"Learn More About Animal Assisted Interventions" written in Alex Johnson's grandmother's handwriting

Raise Up Counseling offers an adaptable approach to individual therapy, including Animal Assisted Interventions (AAI).

If you want to work to heal your trauma, attachment wounds, anxiety, or relationship challenges in partnership with another being who loves you just as you are right now — you’re in the right place.

Winston, a Golden Labrador therapy dog, looks into the camera. His back legs are perched on the couch behind him, with his front legs standing on the rug in front of the couch.
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Do you want to learn to be close to others and let them in, despite how scary the risk of rejection feels?

Are you ready to feel accepted and loved just as you are?

Do you want to gain more acceptance of and confidence in yourself, through the eyes of others?

My therapy dog, Winston, can help!

This image shows the silhouettes of a person and a dog, visible in front of a deep orange and purple sunset in the background. The person has their arms stretched high, while the dog jumps up to meet them.
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If you turn toward your dog when you want comfort — or see a dog and smile at the joy they bring, Animal Assisted Intervention is a good fit for you!

Therapy is an incredible, healing process all on its own, but bringing a therapy animal into the therapy space is an even more rewarding experience.

Without ever having met you, Winston already loves you unconditionally. Allowing Winston to be a part of your therapy process will have ripple effects on all the other relationships in your life. By being there in the room, Winston will not only see the darkest, most vulnerable parts of you – but he will accept, love, and be excited to see you anyway.

Winston and I welcome all these parts of you on your therapy journey. And working with Winston will also teach you that you deserve to live as your authentic self and be loved for it in all the other parts of your life, too.

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Alex and Winston sit on a cozy couch together, facing each other. Alex is holding out her left hand, where Winston has placed his right paw.
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Even if you don’t have much experience with animals or are even a little nervous about the idea of a therapy dog, that’s okay, too.

Believe it or not, when I was a child, I was attacked by a dog. It took a lot of my own therapy and self-care, but now I love my dog Winston so much that he comes to work with me and supports my clients in their own healing work!

Often, our most impactful growth happens at the edge of our comfort zones. If you think you could benefit from Animal Assisted Interventions but are unsure about what the experience will be like, please reach out! I’d be happy to connect.

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