"Learn More About Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing" in Alex Johnson's grandmother's handwriting

Raise Up Counseling offers Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) — a powerful way of healing from trauma and PTSD.

Your brain has done an incredible job keeping you safe through some really hard things. But now you may find yourself haunted by repeating thoughts, sensations, and patterns that are weighing you down.

Together, we’ll honor the coping mechanisms that have supported you this far and create a new roadmap. While the old paths remain, we’ll create a better way forward with new, more comfortable roads to follow.

A woman, shown in profile, sits on a wooden swing. She rests her hands on her bent knees and looks out into the distance, toward a light yellow sunset sky.
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Do you have intrusive thoughts you can’t get out of your head?

Does your mind or body repeat something that’s happened before?

Are you stuck on common themes that seem to repeat themselves in other areas of your life?

Do you feel stuck in the thoughts or patterns of your past, including the roles you’ve been placed in by others?

EMDR can help.

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A person's silhouette in profile is framed against a purple sunset sky.

By incorporating EMDR into our individual therapy sessions, we’ll not only help you process your past experiences, but also heal and move forward into the kind of life you want to live. Through EDMR, you can:

  • Learn to stay present in the moment

  • Accept yourself now and how you handled situations in the past

  • Build confidence in yourself moving forward

  • Believe in yourself and your own control in your life

  • Replace dark thoughts with empowering ones

  • Hold two opposing ideas, knowing things can be both/and – not just either/or

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