"Learn About Transforming the Experience Based Brain (TEB)" in Alex Johnson's grandmother's handwriting

Sometimes there are just no words for the trauma you experienced.

Transforming the Experience Based Brain (TEB) can help you understand what your body is trying to tell you – and heal the attachment wounds that often cause this pain.

When we’re young, our attachments with our caregivers are some of the most important relationships we have, both for our young selves and our future development. When we don’t receive the kind of love and support we need from our caregivers, these wounds can cut incredibly deep.

Maybe you can feel this pain in your body, even now, but it’s too big for words.

Maybe you don’t feel good enough as you are or you feel like no one has ever really cared about you – or ever really will.

Maybe you’re about to become a parent and you’re nervous about how your own childhood wounds will impact your connection with your new child.

This image shows the silhouette of a person standing at a metal fence, overlooking a bright pink sunset above a body of water.
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Transforming the Experience Based Brain (TEB) can help.

Two silhouettes, one adult and one child, walk hand-in-hand down a boardwalk lined with a wooden fence. They walk in the direction of a purple sunset, visible in the background.
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This approach to therapy starts by helping you connect with yourself and with your body. You are full of so much potential, and your body has so much to tell you. Sometimes, we just need to learn how to listen.

Through TEB, you’ll not only learn to see and reflect on the patterns and reactions already happening in your body, but you’ll be able to hear the messages from your body about what it needs to move forward.

You and your body already have an incredible capacity to make these kinds of changes in your life, and Transforming the Experience Based Brain (TEB) will help you access them:

  • You can be a trustworthy caregiver yourself – even if you did not receive the support you needed from your own caregivers as a child

  • You can take care of yourself in the way your younger parts needed

  • You can choose and create new patterns for yourself, rather than repeating old patterns

You can overcome those attachment wounds and be the kind of parent you know you want to be. I’m here to help.

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